The Christ-power behind forgiveness

Live audio chat with Lois Carlson, C.S.B.

In this chat, Lois shows us how to forgive. First, she says, thank God that He’s bigger than the sin. Second, don’t agree with the sin—separate it from the individual. Third, demonstrate the goodness of the individual by honoring their response to Christ. Lois goes on to say that the more we think of healing as our thought being dominated by good, the less and less sin makes an imprint on our thought.

Lois answers questions like: How can you forgive yourself for things done in the past? Is forgiveness always Love centered? Why is forgiveness so important to healing? How do you define forgiveness? And, how do you deal with people who continue to act in a harmful way even after they have been forgiven? Lois answers these questions and more by understanding that we don’t get our thoughts from someones else’s behavior, we get our thoughts from God. And because of this, we can feel the peace that comes from our true thinking—the one Mind, which is Love.

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