God is always Love

There was someone in particular I knew I had to forgive. It really doesn’t matter who or why. I just knew I wanted more than simply the generous human courtesy of being nice to someone who had not been nice to me. I yearned for a spiritually substantial perception of things. I’d forgiven people before. But this time, I realized that true forgiveness had little to do with my human relationship with a person and everything to do with my relationship to God. So in this situation, I turned to prayer.

When I pray, I get very still, expectantly listening for a divine message of peace and clarity. In this case, what I needed came to me in a comforting way. The words “Water is always wet” came to thought. As I considered that, yes, it’s true that water is always wet—no matter whose hands are in it—I saw that God is always divine Love and embraces all of us equally, no matter who we are.

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God knows our true identity, which is spiritual, and what the material senses say about who we are, where we are, or what we’ve done can never change that spiritual reality. God, Spirit, is the eternal Father and Mother of all of us, His ideas. I recognized the universal and eternal law of our relationship to God as forever in operation, blessing all. God never loses sight of man as His beloved, whole, spiritual, and holy child. His reliability, protectiveness, lovingkindness, and other attributes remain perpetually active. Being Love itself, God is always expressing immortal love in His children.

I recalled these words spoken by Christ Jesus: “I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matthew 5:44, 45). This may sound unrealistic when there appears to be so much hatred and inharmony in the world. But human ignorance of God as ever-present Love can’t change the spiritual fact of God’s love. We were created to reflect divine Love. And through spiritual understanding we see evidence of God’s love in our everyday experience.

As I continued to listen for inspiration, I felt a deeper love for God and His creation than I’d ever felt before. I realized that neither the individual I needed to forgive nor I could ever really be governed by anything but the eternal law of divine Love. The unpleasantness that had taken place was not part of our true selves as eternal spiritual siblings, children of the one divine Parent, who is all-inclusive Love.

I found great peace in knowing that we are endowed with spiritual understanding, and therefore able to demonstrate the fact that no belief in a human mistake—or anything at all—could ever diminish or touch the power of divine Love, which governs all. In my own thought, I prayerfully embraced the other party as God’s precious, faultless child. As I did, all sense of hurt feelings and resentment left. Very soon after that, a tender apology was extended to me, and I happily accepted it.

As our thought becomes more enlightened as to the nature of God as Love everlasting, we will feel the gift of His love in our daily experience in increased evidences of eternal harmony, demonstrating that divine Love’s law is universal. God is always Love, and all His children are destined to forever reflect that universal and eternal Love. Understanding this comforts me and, as I experienced, brings harmony.

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