How I prayed when I felt caught between two boys

There was a boy in one of my classes—let’s call him Will—who I was pretty certain liked me. I liked him too, at first. But then he started acting differently and wouldn’t hang out with me, so I moved on. 

I became close friends with another boy, let’s call him Luca, and we were in the same friend group as Will. Soon I learned that both of them liked me—a lot more than I had initially thought. This made me feel I was stuck in the middle, especially when they competed for my attention nearly every day. Will was a really good friend, and I didn’t want to hurt him. But I also didn’t want to feel pulled in two directions or give him a reason to suspect I was interested when I wasn’t. 

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I learned that both boys liked me—a lot more than I had initially thought.

One day, I was sitting in my assigned seat in class when Will sat down next to me—instead of in his assigned seat—and shifted his chair a little too close for my comfort. At first I was annoyed, but I realized that wouldn’t help the situation. I knew from attending Christian Science Sunday School that I could pray about this. So I politely ended the conversation Will was trying to have with me, looked out the window (so I wouldn’t get upset), and began to pray. 

A reassuring thought came to me that Will could know when to stop because there is only one Mind. I’ve learned in Sunday School that Mind is another name for God. It might seem like we each have our own mind with its own thoughts, intentions, and opinions, but actually, the fact that God is the only Mind means that each of us expresses that Mind, which is always good and harmonious. Just as I had that thought, Will got up and moved back to his assigned seat. 

It definitely helped me feel less worried about prom knowing that God, Love, was in control, so everyone could have a good time.

There were more times throughout the year when I felt caught in the middle, but I prayed about each instance, and either the situation was defused or my prayers helped me feel less concerned. I was even able to attend prom with both boys—with Luca as my date and Will coming along as part of our friend group. I prayed a lot leading up to that night with similar ideas about how God, who is also Love, is always speaking to us and how we are all receptive to Mind. It definitely helped me feel less worried about what might happen at prom to know that God, Love, was in control, so everyone could have a good time. Eventually, I realized I was even looking forward to prom. The night ended up going well: The boys were civil to each other; Will treated my boundaries with respect; and we all had fun. 

I’ve remained friends with both boys, and I’m so grateful to God for this experience and the opportunity to witness divine Mind and Love in action in my life.

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