Spiritual solutions to stress

Mark Swinney

spirituality.com host: Hello, everyone! Our topic for today is “Spiritual solutions to stress,” and we’ll be talking about ways that prayer can help you find peace, even when you’re under pressure. Our guest is Mark Swinney, a practitioner and teacher of Christian Science in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mark is one of the most unstressful and unstressed people I’ve ever met. And so I’m really looking forward to hearing what he has to say.

Mark, do you have some comments you’d like to make to get us started?

Mark Swinney: First of all, I would love to say hello to everyone. I think it’s great that we have this means with which to meet—in a worldwide chat like this. I love it. And our subject is one that is definitely on the front burner for most people. I don’t know how many times you hear people say, “Oh, I’m really stressed out today.” You hear that all the time.

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