Quickly freed from restricted movement

When I awoke one morning a year ago, I could not feel my toes, and when I tried to sit up, my arms were numb, too. With some discomfort and awkwardness, I managed to wash and get back into bed. 

My husband arrived with a cuppa to have while we read that week’s Bible Lesson from the Christian Science Quarterly. The Lesson was so inspiring, and at some point while my husband was reading, a passage jumped out to me. I realized that I was feeling very influenced by thoughts of restriction in the world related to concerns about the coronavirus, and that these thoughts seemed to be manifesting themselves in my body feeling “locked down”!

I decided to protest. Firmly, I said to myself, “No, no, no! Restriction is not my thought; therefore, it cannot be my experience.”

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Testimony of Healing
Nausea quickly healed
May 3, 2021

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