Bringing our prayers to the threat of contagion

First appeared as a Web Original on January 28, 2020

“Today only! Free flu shots!”

The bright banners snapping in the late fall breeze seemed to be effective. Lots of cars were turning in at the large chain drugstore near our home. As I drove past, it occurred to me how easy it is to assume that it’s natural, even inevitable, to come down with contagious illnesses, especially during the winter. 

Taking responsibility for our health is important. For many folks, seasonal shots and prescriptions are one approach, and I certainly respect and support those who make that choice. But in my own experience, I’ve found that through Christian Science it’s possible to consistently challenge the assumptions about getting sick, and that doing so has brought ­more solid and lasting health. Prayer based on a spiritual understanding of God has always been a reliable and effective way to care for my health.

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March 9, 2020

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