“What I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch”

Dear Reader,

These words of Jesus, printed on the front of every Sentinel, have been causing us to think in fresh ways about the role of editorials. This concept of being sentries, of maintaining a spiritual watch, undergirds the changes you’ll see in coming months. For starters, editorials will no longer be tucked away at the back of each issue. Rather, they will be right out front—on the cover, in fact—helping readers discern and make sense of the challenges facing our world.

Each Sentinel will begin with editorial content leading you into the issue and framing the spiritual watch we’re all on together. Sometimes this content will be related to current events, and other times it might be a theological point that needs addressing. But in any case, the content will aim to be more responsive—and more timely in that response—to needs of the day.

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

Heaven . . . here on earth?
October 19, 2020

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