Magnify that inspiration!

Maybe you’ve heard the saying “Your prayers are too small!” To me, it has a double meaning. It not only prompts people to enlarge their trust in God and ask for more but implies that the place in life designated for prayer itself needs enlarging.

When I was in seventh grade, I often wondered if it even mattered that I existed. Some of the people at my school had distinct, brilliant talents. In my limited perspective on life at that time, I couldn’t see a thing that I might offer. I was glad these other people were clearly going to make a significant contribution to the world. Yet I felt sure that my prayers about my own potential and abilities were way too small. 

One day, after I had been praying somewhat pessimistically for a few months, a friend shared the idea that our real purpose in life is to show what God is like. This friend was a Christian Scientist and really seemed to have it together. She was so sure about her abilities. When I asked her about it, she quoted Jesus: “The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do” (John 5:19). She explained that we’re not on our own with limited personal value and talents. Rather, as God’s creation, each of us is built to do one thing: represent the Father. “All of God is behind me,” she said, “and my potential for accomplishing anything lies entirely within the infinite goodness and ability of God.”

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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
Social media—how metaphysics now informs my views
October 21, 2019

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