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From the readers

[Kim Crooks Korinek, “Loving God in a material world,” Sentinel, June 11, 2018]
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On the web: The following JSH-Online.
One thing I knew from Christ Jesus’ example was that I did not need to, nor did God want me to, suffer permanent damage.
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Jesus’ disciples caught a glimpse of the uninterrupted continuity of Life.
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Who is my family?

Jesus’ love was universal, embracing not just his family members but all humanity.
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It was important to express patience, kindness, persistence, diligence, orderliness, and brotherly love in all my thoughts and actions, both inside and outside the classroom.
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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth

‘Seek holy thoughts’

When our first child was about two years old, some close family members planned to visit for a weekend.
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My name is Jared.
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Testimony of Healing

Protected from assault

I was fifteen years old and home in Chicago for Christmas vacation from boarding school.
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Testimony of Healing

Healed of severe pain

My favorite author, Mary Baker Eddy, wrote in her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, “Stand porter at the door of thought.
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Testimony of Healing

Healing on the dance floor

Filled with delight, I was dancing the cha-cha at the end of two hours of nonstop dancing during a four-hour ballroom dance party.
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The evidence of the answer

We’ve walked around this lake countless times,telling stories; sharing hopes, jokes, and discoveries;taking turns to comfort and encourage and, at times, offer each other a healing balm.
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Even in the midst of heart-rending struggle we can be persuaded of our inseparability from God.
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Bible Lens
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