Prayer for a newborn

My husband and I are very grateful to have had home births for our three children, all of which were wonderful experiences. Immediately after the birth of our first child, however, there was a problem with the baby’s breathing. The midwife noticed that the baby’s respiration rate was double—at times triple—the rate expected in a newborn. 

The midwife was concerned the baby might have a lung infection. She said that if the baby had been born in a hospital, then the baby would have been examined and monitored closely. She asked us to watch the baby through the night and said if the breathing rate didn’t improve by morning, we should go to the hospital to have the baby checked.

My husband and I told her that we’d like to have Christian Science treatment for the baby, and she honored our choice. We called the Christian Science practitioner who had been praying and working with us throughout the pregnancy and asked him to work on this problem specifically. He agreed to do so and directed us to a hymn in the Christian Science Hymnal which reads:

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Testimony of Healing
An end to severe menstrual cramps
June 29, 2015

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