Learning to trust God

It’s easy to think that we know ourselves better than anyone else knows us. However, over the past year or so, I’ve learned that God knows each and every one of us better than we know ourselves.

Two years ago, when I was a high school senior, I hadn’t realized that concept yet. As I was applying to colleges, there was one school that I had my heart completely set on. It seemed as if it would be the perfect fit. However, I never truly “consulted” God throughout the entire college application process. 

I had been attending a Christian Science Sunday School for the past 15 years or so, where I had learned that I would always be in my right place. In other words, I was always in the care and presence of God. At the time, though, I believed being always in “my right place” meant that if I thought a specific school was the right one, then it had to be, even if this wasn’t a spiritual intuition I’d received.

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