Share your inspiration about class instruction

Mary Baker Eddy established a unique system for “self-instruction in Christian Science” through the Bible and her book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. She also developed a method of further spiritual education through her establishment of Primary class instruction.

If you’ve had class with a teacher of Christian Science, you already know the benefits, and, yes, even the challenges related to taking this step. A new series in the Sentinel
offers an opportunity for you to describe for others how taking this class has strengthened and supported you, and brought healing to your life. Your account can be short, long (we’ll trim to fit if need be), serious, humorous—but, most important, straight from your heart. Do write it down and send it in. No need for elegant prose—write as though you were sharing with a friend. Your experience could inspire and encourage others to take this forward step. We’d love to hear from you!

E-mail your submission to putting “Class Instruction” in the subject line.

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Mom with us
May 7, 2012

We'd love to hear from you!

Easily submit your testimonies, articles, and poems online.
