The following was written in support of Church Alive, a focus of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, that explores the meaning and possibilities of awakening to the spiritual basis and impact of Church.

Love is all around

Before moving to Bloomington, Indiana, last year for graduate school, I had made contact with a member of a local Christian Science church over the summer and had made plans to catch a ride to church one Sunday. Once I arrived, I remember feeling immediate love from everyone I met. Many volunteered to say that they could give me rides to church, and I felt surrounded by love.

Through church, I met other Christian Scientist students at Indiana University and we decided to meet as an informal Christian Science Organization (CSO). Recently, we transformed this loving informal group into an official CSO at the IU-Bloomington campus. So between the now-formal CSO and the church, love simply abounded all around!

I remember feeling lots of love, especially in knowing that two members of the church were going out of their way to come to see me.

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How I Found Christian Science
Jesus' teaching and practice have returned!
February 20, 2012

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