On track with God


Michelle running the 800 meter race at the Junior Olympics in New Orleans, August 2011.

Courtesy photo
One day my family and I were in New Orleans. I was getting ready to run at one of the biggest track meets, AAU Junior Olympics. It was a Wednesday morning around 10:15, and I was about to run the 800 meter event, which is two laps around the track.  

Michelle running the 800 meter race at the Junior Olympics in New Orleans, August 2011.

I was sitting by the track with my coach when my tummy started hurting. I tried drinking some water to see if that would make it feel better, but it didn’t. My coach called my dad, and I told him my tummy hurt. I had learned in the Christian Science Sunday School that I can always turn to God. And my dad told me to let in only good thoughts from God, just like my favorite verse in Science and Health says, “Stand porter at the door of thought” (p. 392). 

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In the Christian Science Bible Lesson
One God, one power, one Mind
February 13, 2012

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