Share a prayer

Tabitha and Felicite live in England. They love to help all kinds of people and pray for them. This past August, they heard about Hurricane Dean, which was passing through the islands of Jamaica and Haiti and 13 other countries. They decided to pray for the people in those places. Tabitha and Felicite shared their prayer with the kids' Sentinel.

Dear God.

Help us to understand that You created everything good and nothing evil.

Help the people in Jamaica, Haiti, and other places not to be afraid and to see that You will help and keep them safe.

Hurricane Dean: "Peace, be still!"

Disaster does not have to hit.

Help the people to help each other and not just want safety for themselves.

Help them to be calm and know that they are all safe in Your Ark.

Hurricane Dean: "Peace, be still!"

Tabitha Jones, 12, and Felicite Mbenga, 11

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Kid's Corner
November 26, 2007

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