Fragments of Grace

[a journalist's search for meaning in a troubled world]

Prophets see the unseen, and say things that stop us in our tracks. In Fragments of Grace, Pamela Constable's recently published book about her life as a Washington Post foreign correspondent in South Asia, she describes meeting a former Latin American journalist in Washington, DC. Once a prominent TV newsman, he had become a drug addict and a vagrant. Sometimes, though, a prophetic light penetrated the haze that held him hostage.

He talked with her one day about his struggle to pare away everything that encumbered him and "to find communion with the spirit of God. There are some things you must say with your life, not with word," he said, "and it's come to that."

"I knew he was in the grip of powerful drug," Constable observed. "But I also knew he was right."

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'On your marks ... '
August 9, 2004

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