WANTED: A whole new life

As I Closed The Door on my marriage, I knew that I wanted to start completely over, to begin a totally new life. My husband and I had built a successful business together, but I felt my new life should also include new employment. I had just begun studying Christian Science, and I decided I could trust God to lead me in the right direction.

I was taking nothing along from my former life in the way of savings, income, or personal possessions. But I knew intuitively that each of us has a mission in life—and that I could view my changed circumstances as an opportunity for progress. I found the ideas in Science and Health to be so new and original that I would spend hours studying it, along with the Bible and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy. Instead of analyzing my prospects for employment based on my work experience, training, or education, I decided to pray each day for guidance on how to best express my understanding of what I considered to be God.

During this time, I never really doubted that God was leading me—and that everything I needed would be provided. As a result, I did something that I think was so original! As I'd go through the job ads in the newspaper, I'd say, "Now God, just point me in the right direction. Even if I don't have experience or training—if You're leading me—You'll give me everything I need to accomplish my mission." I was learning that I could trust my intuition—spiritual intuition. Mary Baker Eddy once noted that when intuition comes from God, it " ... guides you safely home" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 152).

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I left my heart in Buenos Aires
April 1, 2002

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