Prayer heals illness and provides a fresh start

Many years ago I left an abusive marriage. With two young daughters, a dog, a cat, and what I could fit into my car, I moved to a different state. I got a high-school equivalency degree, then enrolled in college full time. I didn't know anyone in this little town, but I had a sister and an aunt who lived not too far away.

My aunt was a Christian Scientist, and I loved being around her. She was happy, positive, and interested in me. I could tell her anything, and I never felt judged or looked down on. She made me feel like I was a good person, despite my feeling that I wasn't that good. I had been involved with drugs, left home when I was fifteen, and smoked cigarettes and used alcohol since I was fourteen, except when I was pregnant and nursing. I had my first daughter when I was eighteen, and I had been in two bad marriages by the time I was twenty-five. My life had been one challenge after another.

Being alone and on my own in a new town was scary. It was hard being a single parent and going to school with kids a lot younger and, I felt, smarter. I had to work hard to get my assignments done.

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Testimony of Healing
Child healed at camp
July 10, 2000

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