for kids

Cool cat outfoxes bully

WE LEAVE FOOD OUTSIDE every evening for wildlife and for Purdy our cat. One evening we were startled by a commotion and looked out to see Purdy and a fox face to face. The fox, who was quite a bit larger, was in a rage—barking, jumping up and down. In the meantime, Purdy was quietly eating. Occasionally she stopped to study the fox's antics. Purdy finished eating, licked her lips, and walked slowly away, leaving enough for the fox. The fox didn't touch her; he didn't even come within three feet of her.

Despite being sorely provoked, Purdy behaved in a way that we could all take a lesson from. She didn't react; neither did she turn tail and run. She went about her business. Aggressive, threatening behavior does not have to keep us from doing what we need to do—or from realizing the peace and harmony God gives us.

Purdy also showed us that we don't defeat foxlike thoughts by using their tactics. What do I mean by foxlike thoughts? Thoughts that would fool us into believing we're somehow less than God's perfect likeness or outside of God's care. Like Purdy, we shouldn't turn tail and run just because someone acts in a mean way. Instead, we can be firm and deal with our problems.

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Testimony of Healing
A lifetime of spiritual healing
July 3, 2000

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