Toothache healed, wart eliminated through prayer

Translated from French

In 1986, having just arrived in Malaysia on a business assignment, I began to feel severe pain in one of my wisdom teeth. On the trip from the airport to my hotel, things became worse. Finally, I was unable to open my mouth normally.

I became very anxious because I knew no one in the area, and I was to be involved in important negotiations that required me to talk a great deal. That evening I had plans to meet with my clients for a working supper. In Southeast Asia, in order to ensure successful negotiations, it is essential to partake heartily of a meal to show appreciation of the local culture. However, at that moment a copious meal was the last thing I wanted.

Once in the quiet of my hotel room, I realized it was time to stop worrying and to pray. I turned to God and asked Him to guide my prayer, to send me the thoughts I needed right then. Immediately the word wisdom came to mind. I thought about Psalm 104, which says, "O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all" (verse 24). I was totally convinced that God had created me in His great wisdom, and that nothing could change that spiritual fact. This thought seemed so appropriate and so comforting that I smiled. And then I realized that the pain had vanished and my mouth was completely normal. During the following days, my work progressed harmoniously, and since then I have never had any problem with that tooth.

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How does the Science of Christ heal?
May 24, 1999

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