Truth heals paralysis

Translated from French

One afternoon early in the summer of 1997 I noticed, when looking in the mirror to apply lipstick, that the whole side of my face was paralyzed. It was impossible to smile.

It was Wednesday and nearly time for the evening church service. Since I was First Reader in the local Christian Science Society, I would be conducting the service. I turned to God, our Father. Knowing that He is the source of our being, I affirmed that in reality nothing had happened; my spiritual being could not be touched. God, Life, includes no sickness that could attack His child and destroy that child's harmony and faculties.

Since God is Love and Life, and is the only power, only a harmonious life could be manifested in me and in everything. I became conscious of the law of God, good, as the only real activity. That evening I was able to fulfill my duties. After the service I asked a Christian Science practitioner to treat me through prayer. I will never forget the kindness that enveloped me, and the light of Truth that shone upon numerous important points. These were things that I had read in the Bible Lessons (found in the Christian Science Quarterly) many times over the years, but that suddenly became clear through a better understanding of Truth. For example, I was greatly helped by this passage in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy: "Mind is the source of all movement, and there is no inertia to retard or check its perpetual and harmonious action" (p. 283).

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Testimony of Healing
Prayer strengthens and heals father and son
September 28, 1998

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