World friendship and the Olympic Games

When the Olympic Games convene in Atlanta, it will be the largest international event of a peaceful nature taking place in the world. The most nations in Olympic history, 197, have been invited to participate, and for the first time, all have accepted the invitation. The global interest is enormous, especially when you take into account the television audience.

Those involved in preparations have called for a worldwide truce from hostilities for thirty days before and after, as well as during the Games.

As a resident of the host city, I have been able to witness the significant news coverage given both daily and in special weekly sections by our local newspaper. Along with extensive preparation of facilities for the many different venues and the enlistment of a large body of volunteers, there remains some concern for security and harmony during the Games. Organizing work to extend a welcome and to communicate understanding and goodwill, to ensure freedom from use of drugs believed to enhance performance, and to provide comfort and safety are all part of the preparations.

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Key to healing: seeing the spiritual fact
July 8, 1996

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