"Here am I"

Moses ' mission and career as leader of the children of Israel began when he answered God's call with his words "Here am I" (Ex. 3:4). Although he at first doubted his worthiness, his readiness to obey God allowed him, and the world, to receive the Ten Commandments.

How much of a call do we need from God to answer "Here am I"? In one sense, isn't God speaking to each one of us constantly, in that which indicates His goodness and beauty and love? Can't we attribute the genuine good that we experience to God and say, as Moses said, "Here am I"? This means acknowledging God's ever-presence and showing our readiness to accept His direction and purpose for our lives.

I recall a moment some years ago when I had been on a beach with my daughter and we were walking to the car after a spectacular day of warmth and happiness. I felt so clearly God's presence. I've found that at times of such divine inspiration, for me to acknowledge God's grace and recommit to serve Him enhances my capacity for further spiritual growth. Gratitude opens our eyes. Let's attribute our very being to God and know that no matter what vicissitudes and unpleasantness we may face, God's law and goodness are intact, never changing, and available.

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Dear Sentinel
September 11, 1995

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