When is it safe to commit our lives to God?

Obviously, the answer is that it is only safe to commit when you are sure of what you're committing to. It clearly makes sense to trust or commit to things that we understand, that are reliable and trustworthy, and to distrust things that aren't. Commitment to something is judicious when it has a logical, rational basis and proves to be truly beneficial.

"Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him," says the Bible (Ps. 37:5). Is believing in and committing our lives to God logical? Trusting the things most important in our lives to a presence we can't physically see, touch, or smell may not, at first, seem reasonable. But maybe it should seem reasonable. It definitely makes sense when we begin to understand that what we're actually depending on—our Father-Mother God —is boundless and invincible, and loves us without limit or reserve.

Certainly, God's omnipotence and care for His cherished offspring sometimes seem obscured by the fears, pains, and woes we might feel at times. Yet they are there for us just the same. Remember in the Bible how the Israelites, who had been slaves, saw the Red Sea part and make way for their freedom (see Ex., chaps. 14–17).

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Fruitage from focus on Science and Health
December 13, 1993

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