This testimony is long overdue

This testimony is long overdue. From the time my mother learned of the healing through Christian Science of her nephew, who suffered from epilepsy, she began to study this teaching. She attended a branch church regularly and enrolled my sister and me in the Sunday School. Today I have grandchildren who attend a Christian Science Sunday School, and my heart overflows with gratitude for the many blessings that have come in the intervening years.

When I was in the third grade, a school nurse told me that I must have my tonsils removed. I told my mother about this. After she had calmed me, she either called a Christian Science practitioner or prayed for me herself. The result was that I did not have my tonsils removed and they gave me no further trouble.

When my two older children were ten and seven years old, and I worked as a secretary, I came home one day to find the baby sitter had put them to bed. The children were suffering with severe symptoms of what was being called the Asian flu. I prayed for the children and read to them from the Bible, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and the Christian Science periodicals. By the next day, both were well.

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Testimony of Healing
I am very thankful that my parents enrolled me as a child in...
August 14, 1989

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