What is a Christian Scientist?

The Science of Christ demands a lively faith and a living witness to God's power.

One day late last fall I'd been asked by family members who live near my office to help get their home ready for the coming winter. Storm windows were to be put on, leaves raked, and so on. The problem was that I had just finished a very tiring morning in the office after an especially strenuous week. I'd postponed lunch and hoped to hurry home to do the same last minute tasks there.

From the start, nothing went right at my relatives' house. The wind worked perversely against my raking. None of the storm windows would fit. I began to feel rising impatience and frustration. It was very late in the season, and the weather was threatening to close in. Perhaps I wouldn't get the work on my own home done at all.

Even as I worked in exasperation on the front storm door, new requests were made that I complete additional tasks before leaving. I tried to resist the feeling of "being put upon" that was developing, but it became overwhelming. As I struggled to force a stubborn glass panel into place, there was a violent gust of grit filled wind. Something sharp embedded itself in my eye with stinging force, and a rush of tears and pain forced me to stop work.

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February 23, 1987

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