Recently, while going through the papers of a dear aunt who...

Recently, while going through the papers of a dear aunt who was a devoted Christian Scientist, I found copies of the Sentinel in which appeared testimonies of healing submitted by members of my family. It was inspiring to read of the gratitude of my grandmother and grandfather, who were introduced to Christian Science in the early part of this century, and of the healings experienced by my aunt and uncle. They made me realize that I, too, had much for which to be thankful.

I am most grateful to have had parents who turned wholeheartedly to God through their understanding of Christian Science to meet the needs of our family. The most striking thing I remember about my childhood is never feeling fearful if a condition of sickness or injury appeared. I knew that my parents would rely on prayer, and the result was always healing. In addition, I had many years of perfect attendance in school, attesting to the preventive nature of Christian Science.

A few years ago when I woke one Wednesday morning and got out of bed, the room began spinning. I made it back to the side of the bed and found I had to lie flat on my back to keep from becoming dizzy. I was serving as First Reader in my branch church at the time, and it never occurred to me that I would not be at my place for the weekly Wednesday testimony meeting that night, although I spent the next several hours unable to sit up.

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November 2, 1987

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