[Original in French]

From my childhood I was a faithful Protestant

From my childhood I was a faithful Protestant. When I was seventeen I began holding important positions in my church and was often a member of Bible study groups, both within and outside my country. Later, while I was in the armed forces, I served in one of the large parishes of the capital. But during this period I came down with a serious stomach ailment, which persisted for the next five years. I went to many military and civilian doctors without finding any satisfaction, until more and more I began to feel I was a mortal, who was simply waiting for his time to come.

Through my religious activities I believed that God heals, protects, saves, and above all that He loves us very much; and I was especially interested in the works of Christ Jesus and the prophets. But I began to wonder why—despite all my efforts and faithfulness, and my abstention from the material pleasures of our day—God wasn't helping me. My family became worried and advised me to try the native healers. I did but got no results. In fact, I suffered more. Soon I became tired and discouraged.

About this time my brother-in-law was healed through Christian Science prayer of the aftereffects of a car accident.

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Testimony of Healing
I have been a student of Christian Science nearly all of my...
August 25, 1986

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