That same old bumblebee

When I was little I used to visit my grandmother in the summertime. One of my favorite things to do was climb trees, and I had a favorite tree. One day a bumblebee got after me, so I ran to Grandmother, sobbing, "That same old bumblebee is trying to hurt me and keep me from climbing my favorite tree."

My grandmother said, "Oh, he can't hurt you," and she asked me how I knew it was that same old bumblebee.

She didn't want me to keep on crying about the bee, so Grandmother talked to me calmly and explained that God created everything and made everything good—even bumblebees. We can be loving and kind toward all His creatures. My grandmother told me that everything in God's kingdom exists in perfect harmony. These thoughts made me feel better.

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Testimony of Healing
A long time ago, when we were really in need...
July 12, 1982

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