The study of Christian Science has brought me much peace and...

The study of Christian Science has brought me much peace and joy. Our family was introduced to this teaching through the love and faithful example of my mother.

Recently I found more satisfying and remunerative employment. Trained as a librarian, I had for many months sought work in my field. But, as almost two years had elapsed and no suitable job had appeared, I took up course work for a teaching credential at a nearby university. As I studied the weekly Bible Lessons in the Christian Science Quarterly, I saw that as God's expression I was worthy of His care. I knew that through the activity of the Christ there would be a harmonious adjustment in my employment situation. During this waiting period I prayed for more patience and learned to trust God.

I had hoped for employment with either of two fine companies in my city, but neither had openings at the time I applied. Then one day, unexpectedly, a dear friend called me at work to say that her company had an opening for another librarian. I interviewed for this job during my lunch hour and was offered the position that very afternoon. Without a bit of hesitation, the personnel officer agreed to the salary I asked for. As taking this job would prohibit doing further work toward my teaching credential, I asked for several days in which to decide. But, after praying about it, I chose to accept this splendid job offer. I could clearly see God's loving care and provision in this new opportunity.

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May 10, 1982

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