Effective prayer for the world

People often ask about praying for the community and the world, and whether such prayer really does any good. The answer is that we definitely can pray—in our hearts and by our lives—and our prayers do help all mankind. In view of distressing conditions both international and domestic, such prayer is an urgent need.

We pray "in our hearts" through quiet communion with God. One example that includes not only ourselves but all humanity is the "Daily Prayer" given in the Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy. It's a simple prayer, drawing clearly on the Lord's Prayer, and it provides an inspired foundation for our metaphysical work for the world: "'Thy kingdom come;' let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me, and rule out of me all sin; and may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and govern them!" Man., Art. VIII, Sect. 4.

To pray effectively we need to understand the God to whom we pray. Whom do we address when we say "Thy kingdom come"? In Christian Science we understand the one God to be infinite Love— all-embracing, ever present, available to all. We know Him as universal Principle because He is unchanging Truth, all-pervading and eternal. He is indestructible Life, perfect Mind, pure Spirit that knows no limits. One universal God, good.

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October 18, 1982

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