Be a healing listener

Listeners of any kind seem rare in today's world, and listeners who heal even rarer. The healing touch of the Christ, however, is available to everyone. Each of us can learn and practice this compassionate skill of healing listening. The Way-shower, Christ Jesus, and the teachings of Christian Science show us how.

The question sometimes arises, "How should we respond when we hear of distressing physical ailments, criminal acts, or discordant world events?" Mrs. Eddy's words in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany point us in an important direction: "Christian Scientists hold as a vital point that the beliefs of mortals tip the scale of being, morally and physically, either in the right or in the wrong direction. Therefore a Christian Scientist never mentally or audibly takes the side of sin, disease, or death." Miscellany, p. 146. As we obediently act on this advice, our contribution to conversations is supported by spiritual sense instead of the false impressions of the carnal mind. We can steadfastly reject reactions of fear, impatience, criticism, self-righteousness, or resentment, and speak lovingly in words everyone can understand.

A spiritually correct view of reality cannot be achieved at the expense of Christian love for our fellowman. We can learn the healing art of Christly listening, its wisdom, compassion, patience, and discretion. How one listens determines his perception. Indeed, what is heard is not always as significant as the quality of thought with which one listens. Daily prayer to have that Mind "which was also in Christ Jesus" Phil. 2:5. helps us bring the healing quality of thought expressed by the Master to our own listening.

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"...and my blessing upon thine offspring"
October 18, 1982

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