Many years ago my mother was taken to a hospital, seriously...

Many years ago my mother was taken to a hospital, seriously ill from an internal disorder. She was said to be dying by the physicians attending her—they told us she could not live the weekend. We knew she had some interest in Christian Science and decided to turn to this Science as a last resort. She was removed from the hospital, and we called a Christian Science practitioner to treat her through prayer. Improvement was soon noted, and later Mother was completely healed.

Because of this healing my wife and I began attending a branch Church of Christ, Scientist. We became members of that church, and later we joined The Mother Church. Christian Science class instruction furthered my spiritual understanding of the healing efficacy of this Science.

One morning recently, word came over the radio that fire had started in the brush a distance from our home. As the day went on, a strong wind developed, which brought this destructive fire in our direction.

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Testimony of Healing
Years ago I was having surgery and caustic treatment for...
July 9, 1979

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