Complete reliance on God can protect and help us when we...

Complete reliance on God can protect and help us when we feel we're going under. Recently, a lingering sore throat troubled me, and although I gave myself treatment through prayer, as Christian Science teaches, the condition didn't improve. I was able to travel as a passenger by car on a necessary trip, but while the hours passed, the soreness increased, along with a recurring suggestion to give in and obtain medication. I fought this inclination by clinging to an understanding that God alone is real and that His ever-present power governs all. Matter has no power to cure or make us sick.

My voice was gone, and before long I felt other threatening symptoms. I shut my eyes and turned completely to God in prayer. I pondered truths I had learned from studying Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. Through this book I have come to know that God is Spirit, incorporeal and entirely good—and that man, created by God, reflects His nature. So I reasoned that, in reality, identity is not a body of matter—healthy or sick. I am spiritual, possessing only good and experiencing only good.

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May 28, 1979

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