The day I healed

It was morning. My friend Barbara got hurt. We were at the playground, and boys came from everywhere, and one of them hit Barbara by accident. When she stopped crying, I asked if I could talk to her. Barbara said yes. I usually bring my Science and Health, but that day I'd forgotten to bring it. So I told her that in Christian Science we don't take medicine for healing; we heal by prayer. I also told her what Christ Jesus taught—that we are God's perfect children, and that He is our Father-Mother God. Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health, "I will dwell in the house [the consciousness] of [LOVE] for ever." Science and Health, p. 578. After a few minutes I asked her if she felt better. She said yes. And that moment I felt great.

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Testimony of Healing
For many years I received medical care for a hemorrhaging...
April 16, 1979

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