Removing the source of trouble

A few years ago, when redecorating our home, we had carpeting laid in several rooms. The result was pleasing. But in one room we were dismayed to notice a patch that looked like a stain or a fault in the dyeing process.

Before calling the carpet company, I knelt down to examine the fault closely. Then the thought came to me to swing the overhead light fixture. Puzzled, I did so, and the patch moved back and forth! We had all been fooled by a shadow!

This incident has been a helpful reminder to me of the deceptive nature of all ills. We might say the first deception is that a difficulty of any kind—be it disease, lack, a business or human relationship problem—is actually something. The second, that it is in some place. By this time it has us on our hands and knees, so to speak. The term used in Christian Science for the deceptive action of material sense is "animal magnetism."

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October 1, 1979

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