Throughout our marriage Christian Science has met and mastered...

Throughout our marriage Christian Science has met and mastered many challenges. An understanding of the ever-presence of God has sustained us continuously in the healing of contagious illnesses of our two children, in matters of income and supply, of home and employment.

Recently I was tearing down an old wooden fence in our backyard. The rotting post gave with the first blow of the ax, and I fell heavily onto the pile of boards that lay around it. As I arose I was startled to see a board clinging to my left hand by a rusty nail imbedded in my wrist. To conquer my fear, I held resolutely to the fact that God knows nothing of accidents. I extracted the nail and prayed to replace the belief of infection with the purity of God's goodness and my reflection of this purity. After I washed my paintstained hands with gasoline, I asked my wife to pray for me.

While I was resolute in my desire to heal this in Christian Science and was confident of the power of God, I was unable to erase the fear in my thought, so I called a Christian Science practitioner. She assured me that this incident never happened under God's good government and it had not happened to me, the perfect expression of God. That evening I called the practitioner again, as there was some stiffness and swelling and the wrist appeared to be sprained in addition to the wound. Her strong affirmation of truth, that I was a perfect, spiritual idea, and pure, flooded my troubled thought. I was also greatly comforted by these words in I John (4:18): "Perfect love casteth out fear."

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December 18, 1976

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