
Here is good news for all parents and grandparents. The third in the popular series of Bible book and record sets for young children is now available. The story of The Good Samaritan was selected because it will help children discover more about how to be good neighbors and friends.

The Bible story is retold in 28 pages of colorful, action-packed illustrations. The seven-inch 33 1/3 rpm record has a lively narration ending with a catchy song on the first side and five other original songs on the second. All of the songs are accompanied by easy-to-remember music well suited to the youngster of three and upward.

The Good Samaritan follows Daniel in the Lions' Den and Noah and the Ark. All are available at Christian Science Reading Rooms for $2.95 or direct from The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street, Boston, MA, U.S.A. 02115.

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July 12, 1975

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