When I was only five years old, I was healed through Christian Science...

When I was only five years old, I was healed through Christian Science of an illness the doctors had been unable to diagnose but which they said would probably be fatal. I had lapsed into a coma, and at that point my mother sought help from a Christian Science practitioner. In a short time I regained consciousness, sat up in bed, and said I wanted an ice cream. Mother offered to go to the store and get me one, but I said no, I wanted to go myself. This I did, for the healing had been complete.

My brother and I were enrolled in a Christian Science Sunday School and my parents began the study of this religion. At sixteen, however, I turned away from Science. I seemed unable to understand or to practice it, and decided it was not for me. But the seed must have been well planted, for when I was about to begin a two-year course in a business college I decided I would turn over a new leaf: do everything I could that I thought was right; and among these right things I included the reading of one section of the Christian Science Bible Lesson each day without fail.

I was faithful to this plan, even though I did not understand what I was reading. In what, as I recall, was about six months, I awoke to the fact that I was able to do "mental arithmetic" faster and more accurately than anyone else in the class. Until then I had been a slow thinker, getting only passing grades in any subject. I pondered what could have wrought the change, and realized it had to be the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly, as that was the only thing I was doing that I had not done before. I decided to feast more richly on this source of goodness, and increased the amount of time I gave it daily. In the following year I joined The Mother Church and the branch church where I had gone to Sunday School. I also attended Sunday School again until I reached the age of twenty.

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Words of Current Interest
June 7, 1975

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