Overcoming Unoriginality

Unoriginal thought—thought without a spiritual origin—is a primary characteristic of Pharisaism. Spiritual originality is a primary quality of the real man created by the infinite Mind, God.

The Pharisees in Jesus' time felt secure in their traditional sense of the law and were proud of their knowledge of it. The spiritual origin of Christ Jesus' thought made his demonstration of law shocking to them. He knew the law well, and he loved it, but his sense of what was right and what was wrong in obedience to the law transcended their limited, unspiritual sense of life and intelligence. He said, "I can of mine own self do nothing." John 5:30; His thoughts and acts came from his Father, God. When Jesus considered a law and how it should be interpreted, the inspiring ideas always flowing from the infinite Mind enabled him to give interpretations which confounded the Pharisees.

For example, when he was about to heal a man on the sabbath day, their uninspired thought interpreted this as a violation of the law. But Jesus asked them, "Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath day?" Luke 14:5;

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More than Threescore Years and Ten
April 26, 1975

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