The True Basis of Health

Everyone likes to be healthy. To this end, people pursue health in ways they feel will most benefit them. Yet what is true health? And how can it be demonstrated in physical well-being despite advancing years or exposure to conditions believed to be contagious?

Health is an absolute, spiritual quality of God, divine Truth, which man, His expression, reflects naturally. Therefore health, Christian Science teaches, is inherent in man's true, immortal identity.

The biblical account of creation recorded in the first chapter of Genesis depicts this state of spiritual wholeness that includes true health: "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." Gen. 1:31; As a manifestation of Truth, health is purely spiritual and not dependent upon material conditions, although to mankind a proper understanding of health as rooted in Spirit, God, appears to be physical well-being.

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The Power of Words
February 22, 1975

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