In my early teens I suffered from polio, and after nine months...

In my early teens I suffered from polio, and after nine months in a hospital, where I had daily treatment for a lame and withered leg, I was sent home as improved as I could ever expect to be. I was able to walk, though my leg gave way every few yards and I often stumbled.

Such was my sorry state when my mother, in her distress about my condition, wrote of it to an American aunt. This aunt proved to be a Christian Scientist and immediately recommended that my mother take me to a Christian Science Church. With the help of The Christian Science Journal she was able to put us in touch with a neighboring Christian Science Society and also arrange for a practitioner to get in touch with us.

At that time we had not even heard of Christian Science, but as a last resort my mother took me to church the next Sunday. We were introduced to a practitioner, who agreed to treat me through prayer. She visited us regularly to talk to me of Science. From the first I was able to accept its teachings. Even to a young girl it seemed such a logical religion.

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January 25, 1975

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