Supply: A By-product of Spiritual Understanding

Anyone acquainted with the textile industry knows that the machinery used in preparing cotton for spinning high quality yarns combs out the short fibers, which have their uses. But only an outsider would judge a cotton mill by the quantity or quality of its secondary products, since the main purpose of the mill is the production of the standard yarn.

This illustration is useful in understanding the important statement of our Way-shower, Christ Jesus: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matt. 6:33; "All these things" are thought to be the outward signs of successful material living, such as supply, wealth, and even health. They are, however, only the by-products of the main purpose of existence, which is to express Spirit. Mrs. Eddy puts it this way in Miscellaneous Writings: "God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies. Mis., p. 307;

Well-meaning and God-trusting people will often make a mistake similar to that of an outsider in cotton manufacturing and judge an individual by the quantity and the quality of the "by-product in his experience. People fall for the tendency of mortal mind—the belief of intelligence and substance in matter—to turn everything upside down and thus keep itself enthroned. Can you be sure that a person is closer to God because he has abundant supply or great wealth? Can you say that someone is necessarily more spiritual because he or she is healthier? No, because these outward things may not be based on spiritual understanding but on the belief in matter as substance. In this case, they may be fleeting. If they are based on spiritual understanding, they will be the sure result of demonstrating the understanding that Spirit is ever-unfolding substance.

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Patient Waiting
April 6, 1974

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