Spiritual Thinking Is Positive

One morning I felt intensely miserable. Angry, complaining, critical thoughts seemed to assail me from every direction. In short, I had a king-sized grouch. And, not surprisingly, I was not feeling well.

As I began to ponder the situation, I suddenly realized that the cause of my misery was not the weather, not my fellow commuters, not even a physical problem. It was, in a word, negativism. I saw that since leaving home that morning my mental attitude had become totally self-seeking. And whatever appeared to threaten or disrupt my selfish frame of mind was being mentally pounced upon with feelings of righteous indignation, resentment, and the like. To heal this unhappy predicament, I simply had to make the effort to reverse this negative mental attitude.

And so, tentatively at first, but with increasing confidence, I mentally reached out to embrace the universe with outgoing joy, gratitude, and love. I affirmed the allness of God. Soon, positive, constructive, spiritual thoughts began to take control, and a sense of peace and well-being surged into my consciousness. When I reached the office, I was perfectly well.

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February 23, 1974

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