The Need Is Met

Whatever the human need, a view of the truth of God and man shows it already met. Proof of this is found in the Bible, which records the history of people who perceived in some measure the ever-present goodness and power of divine Love.

Jacob, for example, had need to be reconciled with his brother. Through wrestling mentally with the error of enmity he glimpsed the truth of man so clearly that when he saw his brother, he said, "I have seen thy face, as though I had seen the face of God, and thou wast pleased with me." Gen. 33:10;

Moses, leading the Israelites out Egypt and through the wilderness, turned to God for every need. Consequently, the people were guided through the sea, fed with manna, healed of snakebites, and given commandments to live by for all generations to come.

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Mind Understands
November 2, 1974

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