God gives us the ability to glorify Him

God gives us the ability to glorify Him. Our lives are testimonials to the power of God, Spirit. I feel much gratitude to God for the truth He shows us through Christian Science as revealed to Mary Baker Eddy.

Before I entered college, I never realized the freedom this pure, divine Science could give my life. There I found a Christian Science organization, where every week students my own age testified to the healing power of Christ.

As a forestry student interested in tropical forest management, I've had a great desire to work in the tropics. Through prayer and listening to follow God's direction of my life, I have been supplied with study and three different jobs in the West Indies and Central America. While in jungle situations, I have been protected from poisonous snakes when unawares I've stood in close proximity to them. I had an instantaneous healing of a poisonous ant sting that usually causes painful paralysis for several hours. Also while working on timber sales in Arizona for the United States Forest Service, I stepped on a rattlesnake by accident and wasn't bitten.

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September 29, 1973

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