Words of Current Interest

Related to the Lesson-Sermon for September 23, 1973, in the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE QUARTERLY Subject: Matter

Behold a great image (Dan. 2:31)

Many scholars believe that King Nebuchadnezzar is looking ahead through his dream to political events from the sixth through the second centuries B.C.—events known to the second-century author of Daniel. Historically speaking, each part of the image represents an empire which controlled Palestine—Babylonian, Persian, and Macedonian-Greek under Alexander, followed by the rule of his generals and their descendants, who formed the Ptolemaic and Seleucid dynasties. The Seleucid Antiochus Epiphanes, in the author's own day, was a violent persecutor of the Jews in their practice of their religion. His empire had the fatal weakness of iron mixed with clay; the author foretells its downfall and the coming of a dramatically new world order, under God's control, which will endure forever (see verse 44).

The day of visitation (Isa. 10:3)

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September 15, 1973

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