[Original in German]

Out of deep gratitude to God I wish to testify to the healing...

Out of deep gratitude to God I wish to testify to the healing power of Christian Science.

Many are the blessings I have been privileged to experience from this glorious teaching for almost fifty years. In every situation, in every physical problem, when I sincerely sought the truth, divine Love's healing power has been manifested.

A few years ago I suffered for a long time from stiffness in my neck. After that, my head and limbs began to ache intensely. Because I suffered grievously, I had a hard time discharging my household duties. Mary Baker Eddy writes in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (pp. 369, 370): "To be every whit whole, man must be better spiritually as well as physically." This was true in my case. I needed to purify my thinking. Through the faithful prayer of a dear Christian Science practitioner I was completely healed.

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Testimony of Healing
During more than forty years I have experienced an almost...
June 2, 1973

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