Christian Science came into our home when I was three years...

Christian Science came into our home when I was three years old. My mother had a healing so that she no longer needed to wear glasses. At this same time I attended Christian Science Sunday School.

During my childhood a growth developed on my neck. As time passed, the goiter grew to be very large. By the time I was a junior in high school I had difficulty breathing, and this curtailed gym activities, which I had always participated in.

I had help from a Christian Science practitioner from time to time, but things did not change. I knew the help of the practitioner was consecrated work, and much prayerful work was done by my parents continuously. The practitioner was always loving when I called for help. She explained to me that I was God's perfect child, and that as God's reflection I did not have and could not have anything He did not make. She told me that whenever I saw myself in the mirror I should declare these truths to myself. As I studied my lesson each day, my belief in a material man was fading from consciousness.

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May 26, 1973

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