

Birth Without Travail

When told that she could not carry a child without an operation, a woman decided to seek healing through Christian Science and went to see a practitioner. The practitioner comforted her and assured her that the Father-Mother God, the Life of all, could only create a perfect man, whole and free. The young woman began to understand that the time of pregnancy should always be a joyous time, a time when parents are filled with the expectancy of good. Her child was born in complete harmony, happy and well. On this same program a man relates how predictions of imbecility at the time of his own birth were completely overcome through Christian Science treatment. A third instance of "birth" refers to ideas for a new book. An author tells how creativity begins with the one creative Principle, God.

During the week of March 25 many English-speaking areas will broadcast this program. Christian Science Reading Rooms have information about the local radio station's day and time of broadcast. This information is also published in certain local newspapers.

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March 24, 1973

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